Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thanksgiving was awesome. Thank you so much Justin and Marissa for you hospitality it was so fun hanging out! Jeff and Darren watching a movie on the way to Cali (Well Jeff just listening hopefully because he is driving)
It takes 11 hours to get to Ventura from Provo so we got in late and at 6 the next morning this is what we woke up to. Plus Lainey and Ethan

The kids loved jumping on the tramp and especially watching uncle Jeff do his trick/flips. They also loved Dead man dead man come alive.
aThe girls loved getting their nails painted.

We had to take turns on who would ride in uncle Jeff and aunt Shelley's car. It was kind of fun being parents for a few hours and really fun giving them back:)

At the sea aquarium I believe in Santa Barbra. The whole gang of kids.

Ethan stealing a lick while Isacc wasn't looking:)
Uncle Darren trying to pretend that he doesn't love being in the middle of these two:) On the right is little Malia one of her favorite dishes is a mayo sandwich which was one of my favorite things when I was little. It would probably still be one of my favorite meals if everyone had not told me how gross it was.

The octopus Justin found in the tide pools

Lainey and Marissa at our little cookout on the beach

Jeff looking like a homeless person roasting his food


Max and Diana Brown said...

It look like it was sooo much fun..wishing we could of been there!!

Max and Diana Brown said...

It look like it was sooo much fun..wishing we could of been there!!

Anonymous said...

OH what an adventure,how fun!

grandmaaleen said...

Shelley, your photos are exceptional! Since I've been snapping a few with Quentin's camera, it has increased my appreciation for quality photographs(like yours).


marisa said...

i love all your photos, I wish i had copied yours onto our computer before you left as you have a lot that i don't have. thanks for sharing these ones!