Thursday, July 22, 2010

In memory of Jonah Kent Young

Jonah Kent Young
Our friends the Young's recently experienced the loss of their baby boy Jonah Kent Young. If you would like the whole precious story about Jonah you can visit their blog here.
Jonah, we have said many prayers and shed many tears of sadness, pain, joy, and happiness for you and your family. As we have recently experienced the blessing of adding a baby boy to our lives you have reminded me to enjoy every second through the many diaper changes, sleepless nights, etc. etc. The meaning of your name suites you (Hebrew for Dove, the symbol of peace) as you have brought peace to my mind during these stressful times and helped to ease my fears through the many small challenges. I do have a testimony that you and your parents will be reunited someday soon, your family is eternal. You will of course be missed very much by many. Jeff, Corbin and I want you and your parents to know we will ALWAYS remember you!

Posted by Shelley


Ransom and Brooke Young said...

Shelley, thank you so much for this post; it really meant a lot to us. I had no idea Jonah had made such an impression on you, but that makes me really happy. We really appreciate all those prayers; we have definitely them. Corbin is SO adorable! Congratulations!

Max and Diana Brown said...

I'm so sorry! my heart goes to that family.