Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Note to self...

Things we've learned being new parents.

1. Jeff is not a good mother

STORY: the day we brought Corbin home he needed his diaper changed. I asked Jeff to head out to the car to get one. On his way he was distracted by neighbors and by the time he'd made it to the car he'd forgotten about the task at hand, seeing as how the car was still loaded from the trip home. I looked out the window to see that he wasn't going to make it in as soon as I wanted so I grabbed another diaper from Corbin's room. When Jeff finally came back in I asked if he'd gotten the diapers in which he replied, "oh my gosh, I am the worst mother." He was completely oblivious to what he had said and I could not stop laughing. Hun, you are not the greatest mother but you sure are the best father!

2. Do not change the baby directly on your bed you WILL have to change the sheets afterward.
3. Corbin loves when daddy changes his diaper. He thinks it is funny to have his diaper completely off and then let one go.
4. Keep a towel or something over baby parts so that baby doesn't pee all over himself or stream pee across the room.
5. It is pointless to get a baby dressed for the day, put the diaper on with a blanket and call it good.
6. Find a good baby barf remover it really stains.
7. Best invention ever is the breast pump!
8. Gripe water is a must have for all babies.

He is a very smiley baby

I had to post the infamous sleeping with parent pic. When I've seen this pic from other new parents I am always like aww cute but lame everyone has that pic. but now I realize why... this is a very treasured moment, a parent actually getting a little nap in as the baby sleeps is a miracle.


Tia said...

Hehe Jeff. You're right it's pretty pointless to dress them for the first little while. Since it was winter when Squirmy was born, he pretty much only wore pj's for the first two months of his life.

Justin, Becca and Sammy Ashby said...

Sam had way bad reflux and we had barf all over his clothes- i truely thought they werent worth keeping for hand-me-downs. But someone turned me onto Dreft stain remover and that worked really well (on spit up and poop stains) except I didn't like the smell so much. I finally tried those new Tide Stain Release pack dealies and they work like a charm! But they are pretty harsh so I would wait until he is a little older and his skin isn't so delicate. Just some advice from one new mom to another! He's too cute- can't wait to meet him in person! So glad you guys are doing so well!

Jess and Eli said...

Hey Shelly! Congrats! I found your blog from FB! Anyway, I love this post it's so adorable! I will tell you that Addison had HORRIBLE spit-up issues so bad that she wasn't gaining weight...anyway, the BEST spit-up remover ever is Simple Green! I purchased a spray bottle and mixed up a small amount of Simple Green and water and walah...the best stuff ever! Seriously, it saved all of her clothes and ours! Good luck with everything!!!

Jacie Saltzman said...

he is precious!! i am so happy for you guys! congrats!

Jana said...

yay! He came! He his so handsome... little Corbin. I love that I can keep in touch with all of the Hygiene girls and we can watch the continued growth of lives. Congrats on your new addition.

Erin said...

You guys need a pee pee teepee!!!

VoNique said...

What a cutie! We wanna see him soon!